It is amazing just how fast a baby grows and changes. It seems like everyday there is something new that Emma has figured out or had happen to her. In the last 1-2 weeks, Emma has been learning to sit. She is doing really good now, and is up to about 15 minutes on her own without toppling over (unless she reaches for something out of her reach, and then she falls right over). We watched her start with just having a back rest, to now she corrects herself as she is falling, well, most of the time.
We have also discovered a new noise. Okay, I must admit that I am to blame for her learning this one, but it is so cute, who cares! I have always sent Emma air kisses by smacking my lips. This past week, Emma started smacking her lips. It is so cute, and she does it constantly. Glenn believes that she is communicating. It is one of the ways she uses to get our attention, and she answers back. We have to laugh as well, as she does the funniest things with her lips. I don't know how, but she manages to suck in her lower lip, and the sides of her upper lips, so that the top center becomes pointed, kind of like a beak! I have tried to imitate this, but have had no success. I really think that Emma has got Kristen's lips (her birth mother) and the expressiveness of them. She is constantly doing new things with them, and making us smile.
Emma has also been experiencing solid food over the past several weeks. She seems to have finally gotten the hang of how to use her tongue, and is doing great. Today while feeding her lunch, I discovered that Emma's first tooth had broken through. We have been watching for it over the past few weeks as we have been able to see the two front bottom teeth pushing up. We still are waiting for number two to pop through, but we have passed the first huddle. I have to admit that we have been blessed in the teething ordeal. I have been waiting for Emma to be in pain and be difficult with this, but other then a little grumpiness (that can be directed at her cold) she has been a real trooper. I think I have given her teething tablets only 4 times over the past three weeks.
We are also watching Emma learn to crawl. She has gotten very fast rolling around the house, and we have learned that we need to be careful what we leave out and in how we move around her, as she may be underfoot. We have seen her lift herself a few times and go forward a few pushes, but she seems to be able to scoot and roll so well that she is not working too hard on this. She also tends to do it when we are not watching. As soon as we turn around and discover her moving, she stops and holds her arms out to be picked up. I have to admit that I am hopeful that she takes several more weeks before she takes off on this new skill. I have baby proofing to do first!
So, as you can tell, Glenn and I love being parents, and Emma has become our favorite topic (as you can tell I have just gone on and on...). It is hard to believe we have had this wonderful spirit in our care for almost 6 months. We just keep falling more in love with her every day. Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for meeting Kristen and David, and for the precious gift they have given us. Not only did we get Emma in our lives, but we have them to love too. Thank you both for your love and trust!